



Social Marketing

The importance of internet marketing cannot be overstated! You can spend as much money as you want developing a fantastic website but there is no magic code that brings visitors to your site. This is true in the physical world as well as the digital world. Make sure you budget for marketing or all your efforts building that perfect website will be all for nothing!


Content That Converts, Engages and Builds Your Brand!
Your Ideal Customer is a Moving Target, Let Me Help You Target Them!






<a href="#">01.</a>

Bright Ideas

Have a bright idea but don't quite know how to effectively bring it to the web?
<a href="#">02.</a>

Money Plan

You know there is money to be made on the web, but you lack the necessary information?
<a href="#">03.</a>

Future Planning

I understand your ideas, I have the right skills and can create a plan with you!

SEO Strategy

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Solutions Drive Results

Profitable growth is the product of impactful solutions derived from understanding customer behavior.

Creating Chemistry

Web design is an accumulation of creativity, technology and analytics to create reactions that drive results.

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You Have 3 Seconds, Make It Count!

Studies have found that, on average, people make decisions about the page they visit in three seconds – or less! That means you only have this short window to convince them to stay on your site.

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Jill Morton President at Colorcom

“Kevin has worked for me as a Joomla expert, web host, and trustworthy tech professional and for four years. In 2010, he saved my web site after ongoing hackers’ attacks – as a good will gesture. In the years that followed he taught me Joomla, supervised my work, and provided constant support for the Color Matters web site. Recently, he’s been very vigilant with ongoing hacking attempts. Kevin goes far beyond the call of duty of tech support. His knowledge of Joomla, web hosting, and much more are superlative. He’s worth his weight in gold.”

-Jill Morton President at Colorcom